
aug 05th, 2022
IMPORTANT NEWS!! There will be no new updates anymore on this website but we keep the complete Milena Velba photo and video material accessible for 15$. Members will have access for 30 days and the membership is non recurring, so your membership will automatically expire after 30 days! Join Now! We don't know for how long we keep this low price membership. JOIN NOW!! Spread the NEWS !!
oct 29th, 2017
Tomorrow we will upload one of Milena's most popular video work in higher quality. It is the SERVICE AREA clip with Sunny.
sep 30th, 2017
4 years ago, I decided to start a new education and it is 1 year now since I have started working in my new full time job. Unfortunately I find less and less time to model for this site and now I realize that it is not fair to offer just one or 2 photosets per month for my members who have supported me and my work for such a long time. I know some of you support me since 2004 when I started this site. Thank you so much for keeping this site alive for over 13 years.
I will keep this site open and maybe, change the design and functions for making it easier to browse through my photo- and video-archive. If we will find the time we will try to offer the old clips in higher quality.
I will not dissappear completely. I am sure I will find the time to work for my friends at www.nadine-j.de
Until then ... take care. Thank you. Kisses. Bye bye.
P.S.: All Instagram-, Twitter-, Facebook-, whatever “socialmedia” pages that use my name, are fake. All of them!!
nov 22, 2016
I enjoyed very much to work with Hitomi again and her beautiful friend Anri Okita. Please visit Anri's instagram page. And more good news. As I have said before I will stop modeling at the end of this year, but we have worked a little bit in
advance, so this site will offer more photosets and videos until summer next year.
sep 15th, 2016
See the video with Samantha Lily and me this weekend!!
aug 10th, 2016
this is it
I will stop modeling at the end of this year.
nov 6, 2014
It was such a nice experience to work with Hitomi from Japan in october. She gave me lots of energy again and I think I will try to continue my website as long as possible.
I am even thinking of a total new relaunch with new design an better navigation. Thanks also for all your emails in the last few months, telling me that I cannot go at this point. I will continue for you. Concerning wonderful Hitomi Tanaka, you should visit her instagram page .
jun 8th, 2014
Just want to mention again that all Facebook- and Twitter- and other social media accounts using my name are illegal. I HAVE NO FACEBOOK ACCOUNT! I HAVE NO TWITTER ACCOUNT !! ETC .
may 8th, 2014
At the moment we don't make any more money with this website. We will close this website at the end of this year.
feb 13, 2014
For our caribbean phototour in march we are still searching busty models who want to come with us! New faces and amateurs welcome. Please send photos and informations very soon to
Pro náš další výlet do Karibiku, hledáme nové Big Busty Models pro topless Foto-záberu. Datum jeste neni tak docela urcen, ale asi v polovine brezna. Podivejte se na www.milena-models.de . Pošlete své fotky pomerne brzy na místní e-mailovou adresu.
november 24th, 2011
solo or girl/girl ?
That is the question. I realize that some of you don't like the girl/girl pics and videos at all,
and some find this a big turn on. For those who are not satisfied with the solo shoots I offer at least
a girl/girl clip this month. And for december I have a 3 girls- photo and video package for you!!
september 20, 2011
start spreading the news
If you walk around time square, wall street, empire state building etc, in the next few days and think you have seen me there, you might be right.
feb 15, 2011
For our caribbean phototour in march we are still searching busty models who want to come with us! New faces and amateurs welcome. Please send photos and informations very soon to
nov 20, 2010
If photographers are wondering why make-up artists and models are always late at the set, my latest clip has the answer. No, no it is not me who started, it was Katharina's fault.
sept 26, 2010
I have named my new clip Vano Scala which means simply staircase or hallway. I chose an italian word
because my outfit looks kind of fellini-esque to me.
sept 10, 2010
High Resolution photos!
I just wanted to make sure everybody knows that I offer my photosets in 750px and in 1600 px size.
Recently I received more and more emails of members
who ask me to offer higher resolution not aware that they have to click the CIRCLE WITH THE SETNAME to get the big size photos
.Please see the example of a members photo page and see how the 2 size system works.
aug 23, 2010
Long time no news, but today I tell you something special. Cute model Westy is pregnant.
She gained already at least 2 cup sizes and has an amazing pair of yummy squeezers now.
I will post a few photos on my member's activities page in the next few days and we will document her developements in the coming months here and on Nadine Jansen's site at
Let's all hope for lots of Milk in 2011.
apr 22, 2010
For those who are not so much into girl/girl clips my april solo movies could be something for you. Come in-find out!
april 12, 2010
Just want to tell you again that I don't have any acount on myspace, facebook or anywhere else. All Milenas you find there are FAKE.
mar 23, 2010
Looks like the coffeeparty photoset was a good one. I have received so many emails asking if there will be a clip. YES, and this time it will be quite long. update will be in the next few days.
dec 11, 2009
I thought I let you know that I am also worrying about the climate change on this planet.
I just wonder why a company called MDI does not get more attention worldwide. They produce something really interesting. Cars that drive just with clean air.
O.K. I think telling you this is kind of my contribution to the climate change conference in Kopenhagen. Look at this!
dec 1, 2009
We were on a short trip to greece in november to prepare a bigger bike trip to this beautiful country next year. I am also preparing my next big photovacation tour next year and cannot decide where to go. Maybe greece? Maybe USA, because czech people can now travel to USA without VISA. Where ever we go, we are looking for big busty models to travel with us.
New faces are welcome.Please send your photos to daktari@milena-velba.de
nov 1, 2009
We are on a short vacation for a few days. Please be patient. The new november photos will come on november 8th.
jan 16, 2009
NO LIVE SHOW WITH TANYA SONG. Sorry, I have to cancel the Live show for tomorrow. I am lying in bed with fever!
dec 27, 2008
LIVE SHOW TOMORROW!!!! Members can see me live on webcam tomorrow dec 28th. I am starting on 28th at 1:30 pm german time which means 8-9:00 pm japan time . For my american fans I will be also live around from 3:00 pm east coast time and around 5:00 pm for the west coast. For those who cannot watch me live I will edit the material and bring it in a short clip version later.
dec 12, 2008
As announced in the member's area and on www.nadine-j.de our wonderful Anna Song changed her name into TANYA SONG and opens her own website in january 2009. And because it is christmas soon, my members get an extra bonus set PICNIC WITH TANYA SONG. I just uploaded this set today
april 17, 2008
I had a nice time in dominican republic in march with Miosotis , who had recently opened her own
website . In the members area I have added a few snapshots from our tour to a waterfall which had been used in the Jurassic Park movie. Unfortunately the way was too difficult, so we did not reach the waterfall. We both had too much to carry.
july 6, 2007
We have found a solution for the shop. US customer can pay with credit card again for the DVDs and photos in the shop. I think it takes about 2 weeks and then everything is fixed again.
I am sick of those eternal billing company problems for the shop. After the direct credit card charge was stopped due to a stupid german law, we had chosen Paypal, which was another disaster because they claimed the dvds as 'adult' content and closed the shop another time. Then we changed to Click and Buy, which worked relatively smooth for 16 months ,after we were being told today that due to a new company status they cannot charge DVDs for USA and some other countries. We are trying to find another solution for our US customers now.
january 28, 2007
I am getting my suitcase ready for visiting Miosotis the big discovery of Nadine Jansen . I am looking forward to make hot shoots together in february. Hey, we could need a blonde bombshell to make a girlgang complete. Who wants to come with me?
november 5, 2006
I want to inform you, that I don't have any acount or page on myspace, yahoo or any other site. I also never send any messages in forums. These are all fakes. Don't waste your time there. The only place you find me is here. There are so many stupid people out there who use the internet to steal, lie and don't honor other peoples work. It seems so easy to get mean when one can hide.
august 30, 2006
I know, you have been waiting a long long time for my 2nd DVD. Here it is: BIKES & BRAS.
july 1, 2006
Here is a snapshot from june 3rd during the 13th national rally of the HOG (Harley Owners Group)chapters of Prague. We spend 2 days there and met a lot of old friends. On this photo I tried a new necklace but I think it was kind of too big.
june 12, 2006
Hello USA. Did I tell you that my country will win the soccer world cup game today?!!
april 30, 2006
Modelsearch for tropical shoot!We are planning a new photo and video trip to a tropical destination in autumn. We are thinking about Tahiti, Maledives or again Seychelles. For this trip we are looking for new big busty models. We don't do hardcore shoots. Just topless would be O.K. Please send your photos to daktari@milena-velba.de Für eine weitere Reise im kommenden Herbst in paradiesische Gefilde (Tahiti, Malediven oder Seychellen)suchen wir noch großbusige Models. Amateure und absolute Neuanfänger sind ebenso willkommen wie Models mit Erfahrung. Kein Hardcore, Top-Honorare! Aussagekräftige Bewerbungsfotos bitte an daktari@milena-velba.de
april 2, 2006
Oh nein. Jetzt steht schon wieder in Tschechien und Sachsen das Wasser so hoch, fast wie 2002. Drückt uns die Daumen dass es diesmal nicht so schlimm wird.
march 22, 2006
In the first week of march I was invited from Harley Davidson to come to Mallorca for a new bike series test. It was good to fly away from the snow. See more pics in the club.
february 13, 2006
We have too much snow in germany this year, especially in bavaria they are not so happy about the white stuff.A lot of roofs collapsed already under the heavy weight of the snow. Liebe Grüße und Alles Gute nach Bayern. Hoffe dass dass Eure Dächer dem Schnee und regen Stand halten.
december 24, 2005
Ich wünsche allen da draußen ein paar wunderschöne und vor allem ruhige Festtage. Machts Euch gemütlich. Eure Milena Velba und das kleine Team.
december 8, 2005
For my latest photos 'Brapics with Nadine'my make-up and hair was made by Nadine personally. I think she has learned her new job very well.
november 16, 2005
I had offered my blue spandex bikini in july on ebay but because I had mentioned my website in the item descripion, the auction was closed. Here it is again! My custom made Blue Spandex Bikini.I had this item custom made because I could not find a bikini in my size. It was in 2002 when my Bra size was 'only' H-cup. Now I need a new one and this one is for you.
Go directly to the auction
october 17, 2005
I bought myself a small digicam and wanted to check out the so called 'sport Mode' while practicing my daily fitness program. I have been a little bit lazy in the last months and think a little bit of sports every day is not bad, though I have heard that women should do less jogging but more cycling.
aug 11th, 2005
We made it!! The shop is ready again to take worldwide orders and offers a wide range of creditcard options .
june 16th, 2005
Last week I have been on a bike tour through corsica with a bunch of harley friends. Expected a relaxing tour but it was not easy for me to to handle the bike through all the canyons and over all these mountains. Well, there are only 3 ways to Happiness: Challenge,Fight,Victory. On the way back we had a short stop in Pisa, Italy to visited the Campanile. But even my appearance didn't bring the tower back in an upright position. See more snapshots in the club!
may 20th, 2005
We are back from the Seychelles and I have brought you lots of pics and some clips from these islands. The first one (Jungle)is already online and bikini photos and a wet shirt set will follow soon. Unfortunately our movie cam was hit by a big wave during the first shot and destroyed it. Now we are thinking to go back again as soon as possible because I know that everybody is waiting for my 2nd dvd but we could not complete our shots.
apr 22nd, 2005
During the next 2 weeks our office is closed. We are leaving for Seychelles and won't be back before may 7th. Actually we wanted to bring you updates live from the island but heard that there is no good connection from there, so delayed updates are possible. we have a small support team who can be contact here tech@milena-velba.de in the meantime. See you soon.
apr 13th, 2005
Went through the streets of the east german city Dresden yesterday and have to tell you that some streets have really strange names. Und der netten jungen Frau, die ich gestern mit meinem Model-Angebot vermutlich etwas überrascht, und hoffentlich nicht allzu sehr irritiert habe, wollte ich, auch wenn wir uns nicht mehr sehen sollten, alles Gute wünschen, ganz besonders auch dem Baby.
march 4th, 2005
Thanks for your help finding a nice place for my photo and movie trip. I will go to Seychelles together with Nadine and another 2 models. We could need another big busty lady for the trip. Anybody interested ? Danke für Eure tollen emails und die Hilfe einen paradiesen Ort für meine diesjährige Foto-reise zu finden. Ich werde auf die Seychellen fliegen. Nadine ist mit im Gepäck und 2 weitere Models, aber wir könnten noch zusätzlich ein neues Model gebrauchen. Ist jemand interessiert?
february 17th, 2005
Is somebody out there who can help? I have plans to travel to a nice sunny place but cannot decide where to go. I will go together with Nadine and other models (we always need new models, by the way!)so we need a big house and gorgeous landscape for photo and movie shoots. Any ideas? Thailand? Canary Islands? Cuba? Tahiti?
jan 21st, 2005
I have been asked many times about selling this bra. Here it is!! My ivory bra worn in private life and for several photoshoots ( biology). It also appears in the Milk DVD in the tram sequence.The brand name is ULLA and the size is a 85I. I bought it before I became a J-cup woman.
Go directly to the auction |
december 19th, 2004
When I started this website in may 2004, I thought that would be interesting for some of you, that I had to offer photos and clips with tits full of milk. I was surprised by all the emails asking me how I manage to produce the milk all the time. Could it be a result of a special massage, hormon pills or secret treatments? Well, the reason is much more simple and natural. I gave birth to my 2nd child in august 2003. 2 months later I was discovered and so I started my model career with the Milk. Believe it or not, I first did not want to show the Milk, because I thought that it might irritate you. Daktari, my photographer told me that I should do the Milkphotos by all means. So the first drop you can see on the photos was in the BLACK CORSET photoset. It is photo E on my shoppage. The shocking news for some of you might be that the Milk has gone. There is not a single drop left. Well, you might see a last drop in the Bowling clip next week, but that's it. Don't know if Sotheby's is interested but I will offer my MILK PUMP together with the TRAM outfit in an auction coming week.
december 8th, 2004
'Hey sweety, watch your grab. This is the wrong ball!!' See more of my bowling adventure later this month in the club, and be prepared for another shocking message in the next few days here on the news page.
november 10, 2004
Shop news!!We have finally found a new solution for my shop. The set up and contract might take some time. Until then you can send payments through paypal directly to my email adress: milena@milena-velba.de. Please send an email along with your payment, with your shipping address and the ordered item. If you are not sure about the shipping, ask me.
october 22nd, 2004
LIVE SHOWS IN THE CLUB NOW!!!!!We are testing a new livestream player directly from the VENUS fair. I always want to offer good quality here, so the player is NOT FOR MODEM and not for MAC users! The player is only for windows and windows explorer. No Opera, or Safari browsers will work. Had the first live show yesterday and so far I received good response. This short 6 minutes show is available on demand now. New Live shows follow today and tomorrow. |
october 19th, 2004
Please be patient until we have found a new payment option for my shop. Please don't send money orders!!. Bank charge is too high. As for the VENUS fair, I will be at the booth all 4 days, together with Nadine Jansen. On friday and saturday we have also Chrissi, Lisa, Sunny Wagner and Joana ( all models of www.nadine-j.de) at the booth. Also Chloe Vevrier announced her coming. |
september 22nd, 2004
WRONG DECISION! I was shocked today to receive an email from paypal telling me that I cannot longer sell my dvd and photos through paypal. They claim my dvd as pornographic, which of course it is not.I am looking for another, more reliable partner to sell my dvds. Until then,we can only accept banktransfers within germany or cash in registered letter from outside germany. Me and pornographic, oh my goodness!!!!I think Milk was never so dangerous!!! |
september 15th, 2004
Before you are complaining about no reply to your emails, you should check your spamblocker stuff. I get a lot of my emails back because your spamblocker does not accept my mail.Hey, I don't send any spam!!
september 11th, 2004
Liebe besteller aus Deutschland. Wir haben eine Reihe von Geldeingängen für dvds erhalten. Leider fehlen uns bei den meisten die Bestellmails. Anscheinend gab es ein problem im Shop. Falls Ihr zwischen 25.8. und 8.9. bestellt aber noch nichts erhalten habt, schickt uns bitte die bestellung incl. Adresse nochmal als normale email zu. Danke für die Geduld. Shopproblem scheint jetzt behoben. |
august 12th, 2004
Very important!!! If you want to see MILENA VELBA live, you should come to the VENUS erotic fair in Berlin on october 21-24,2004. I have a booth there together with Nadine Jansen and more models from her website. You can get more information about the fair at www.venus-berlin.com |
july 23rd, 2004
The MILK! dvd is ready to order. The shop is open! |
july 19th, 2004
Thank you very much for all your kind birthday emails. Just found a few minutes to write you this. Now I have to go back. My party guests are waiting. I empty this glass for you.
I know, you are waiting for the shop to open. There was an error in the sound mixing and they had to mix the sound again, but I think the shop will open on thursday. Then you can finally order the dvd.
june 26th, 2004
Finally finished the editing of my first DVD 'MILK!'. Please allow 10 more days until you can order the dvd in my shop. There are 5 episodes in the movie. A very obscure scene is an interview in a tram, where I explain my milk pump. That was fun!
june 11th, 2004
The first photos of my bra collection gallery were uploaded to the member's photosection. I started with my marineblue bra which fitted quite well about 3 years ago. By the way, I don't mention every club update here. Usually clubupdates are 2-3 times a week. A new clip will follow this sunday!
june 2nd, 2004
After a 8 hours tour on the highway I had to make a rest and tried to find a way to get rid of the milk because I had forgotten my milk pump at home. Met a nice young girl who helped me with my problem. See the clip in the member's area.
may 26th, 2004
Had a funny shooting yesterday. If you like the costume play style, this austrian dirndl photoset for next month is made for you. Of course I did lot of milking and breastsucking shots.
may 15th, 2004
Another scene from my milk DVD can be watched in the club. The SELFSERVICE clip is about 2 minutes long. The complete scene on the dvd has about 8 minutes. The dvd will be available in june.
may 8th, 2004
I forgot to tell you that 2000charge was working fine the very next day after I told you about the problems. Also forgot to tell you that I not just like bikes but also old american cars. There is an old pontiac in our town waiting for a new owner. Should I buy it? Mmh, At least I should do some cool photos with it. |
apr 23rd, 2004
Dear Members. We have start problems with 2000charge. The system does not recognize the password and username. Please be patient. the 2000charge team is curently fixing the problem. sorry! |
apr 23rd, 2004
I have been asked again and again for dvds. Sorry folks, you
have to realize that I started with my whole modeling experience
just a few months ago. We are working on 2 movies. A personal
introduction movie and a special milk movie. This takes time.
Before my shop opens, I offer you something special: One of my Fantasie J cup bra. The auction has started. |
apr 22nd, 2004
My website finally went online!! I am really excited ! Just a small last problem if you want to join with mastercard. I think we will add this option tommorow. I simply want to start now and I am already receiving unbelievable masses of email begging me to start. O.K.! your risk! I don't guarantee anything! Please send your critical comments to milena@milena-velba.de. If you have technical problem or find some mistakes on the site ( I am sure there might be some at the beginning) mail the webmaster at
apr 15th, 2004
Waiting eagerly for the website crew to finish their work. Poor guys. Such fine sunny weather and they have to sit in dark rooms in front of their screens. For me it is the perfect day to relax in the 'biergarten' with my dog AMOS